I've not posted much on my weight loss. That's because my weight loss has been negligible since I started
A Taste For The Woods. So I've decided to post more often and in more detail about this weighty topic. Not just feel-good posts about not being 400 pounds, but accounts of my current weight and efforts to get back to my goal weight of 240 pounds. It will not only help me by letting me clarify my thinking, but also might help someone who stumbles across a post. It was my finding positive weight loss posts by my friend Matty back in 2005 that saved my life; he never intended to help anyone, and yet his newsgroup post about getting excited about being able to mow his lawn is still paying dividends.
I'm not going to turn
A Taste For The Woods into a daily listing of calories or a gym-rat log sheet. I enjoy reading such blogs from time to time, and they help their authors and readers. But that's not why I write. And I don't hike or ride or row a canoe to lose weight. I lose weight so I can do things, and get more pleasure from them when I do them. But weight loss is part of the story of the formerly sedentary man discovering the outdoors, and its important I share that too.

I've added a "Weight" listing on the right side of the blog, beneath the Tip Jar and above the Outdoor Miles log. I'll update the log weekly, each Wednesday, For the record, as of this morning I weigh 313 pounds. My low was 240 in 2007. I looked fantastic at 240, as the photos to the right show. (Ladies, forgive the Incredible Hulk t shirt, please. It's a guy thing. ) Even with defective knees and a poor sense of balance I felt I could do anything. I want to feel that way again. I want to look that good again. And if I pay more attention to the details, just as I did back in 2006 and 2007, I can get back there again, and this time stay there. Or perhaps even drop lower. I'll decide when I get there.
I don't consider my partial weight regain a failure, although some nice folks online and in person have told me that's just what it was. Anyway I'm not listening to them. I have too much to do being a weight loss success story to pay attention.
Labels: Motivation, Weight Loss
Nope. The weight gain is not a failure - just a change in circumstances. It's better to start from 313lbs than 400.
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