Saturday, June 14, 2014

Backpacking Project: Update

I left the woods for a day to recover, and that gives me the opportunity to update you on the Backpacking Project. I'll give a detailed report when I return from vacation in two weeks, but I completed a short overnight with my friend Ian and Baxter the faithful hound. I made mistakes, many mistakes,and the trip didn't go as planned, but all three of us had a good time, and I am now a backpacker.

Next backpacking trip is next week, and that will end my vacation. Back into the woods, and back to a quiet blog.



At June 14, 2014 at 5:47 AM , Blogger Sean Anderson said...

Wonderful picture! "I made mistakes, many mistakes,and the trip didn't go as planned, but all three of us had a good time, and I am now a backpacker." This, on a broader scale,is life--isn't it? I love to see how you're not afraid to get out there and experience new challenges. Have a fantastic rest of your vacay!

At June 14, 2014 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Richard said...

You are truly inspiring! Keep it up! I was 332 in Aug 2013, started walking and backpacking and was 215 this morning! You can do it! Hike your hike and have fun doing it!

At June 14, 2014 at 11:29 AM , Blogger Marshall Parker said...

Been following your adventures via Face Book. Proud of your success so far, looking forward to hearing more details.

Mistakes are good, they are the moments where we learn the most.



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